Wellsville youths participate in MPA Youth Show Pig Circuit


Four Wellsville residents were among many Missouri junior swine exhibitors who traveled to jackpot shows throughout the summer competing for points in the MPA Youth Show Pig Circuit. They were Carly Henderson, Austin and Makayla McCurdy and Annie Robinson.

Henderson placed fourth in Poland China Gilt, Austin McCurdy was fifth in Hereford Gilt, Makayla McCurdy came in fourth in Hereford Barrow and Robinson finished third in Yorkshire Gilt and fifth in Senior Showmanship.

Points for the circuit were earned from 11 of 19 shows held across Missouri between the months of April and June. An awards presentation was conducted to conclude the program on Aug. 9 at the Pork Place on the Missouri State Fairgrounds in Sedalia.

This year, 169 members participated in the program, accumulating points from several shows held across Missouri. Points were earned in each of the following breeds for both market barrows and breeding gilts: Berkshire, Chester White, Duroc, Hampshire, Hereford, Poland China, Spotted, Yorkshire, OPB, Dark Crossbred and Light Crossbred. Points were also earned for members who participated in one of four Showmanship divisions.

The MPA Youth Show Pig Circuit is designed to provide junior swine exhibitors the opportunity to develop their citizenship, leadership and sportsmanship skills and to reward Missouri youth for their participation and hard work put toward exhibiting swine projects statewide. For more information, contact the Missouri Pork Association at (573) 445-8375 or visit the MYSPC webpage at http://www.mopork.com/youth/mpa-youth-show-pig-circuit/.


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